This is the view from the street. Please note the two car garage. We are truly moving up in the world; minus the one car family thing. Guess a one car garage would have worked just fine. As Ryan says, "plenty of storage! Guess we need some toys to fill the space".
As you walk in the front door to the left you see the dining room and kitchen. The sliding glass door on the right side of the picture opens up to a patio. We are on the hunt for some super cute furniture. Can't wait to have some other couples over for a cook out.
I have never seen a kitchen with so much storage. We have ample counter space. Perfect for preparing yummy summer food year round!
On the left side of the picture is a floor to ceiling pantry that is about 7 feet wide. We've decided to set aside an entire pantry for our typhoon survival kit. Drinking water, canned goods, tuna, ramen noodles.... you know everything that a college kid lives off of.
To the left of the entry way is our living room. It is an odd long shape room. We decided to use our humongous brown couch to divide it into a sitting area and a living room.
Here you see our 'sitting area'. So formal. I love to sit with the bay window open and enjoy my morning coffee and a good book. If you ever Skye with me it's also where I usually choose to sit.
The ceilings are slightly vaulted and have 2 fans which create a wonderful breeze in the evenings.
Most people will ask what the white thing is on the wall... it's a slit A/C unit. We have 3 in our house so we can cool the room we are using instead of trying to cool the entire house with the central A/C. Needless to say that can get incredibly expensive. No need for heat here.
It is certainly beginning to look like home.
Whenever you decide to come visit paradise this will be your room. It has a private bath just to the left side of the bed. We still need to hang some curtains. It's great for your mainland get away!
Continuing down the hall, we have a second bath. Just in case there is a big group who decide to come visit....
We are using one bedroom as an office of sorts. It has proven to be a great place to sit and search for a job. Hopefully we'll be able to find a book shelf. I ran out of space.
There is also plenty of room to put an air mattress or 2 if needed for all my friends with kids who are coming to visit.
The master bedroom is at the back of the house. We have a small patio out the sliding glass door. You may notice the glass doors are very dark. We have the typhoon shutters pulled to help with energy use and to block out the morning sun.
Another note of us moving up in the world is the huge walk in closet as seen below. Our bath has a tub and stand up shower with his and her sinks. It's the small things in life!
The final bedroom has become our toy box were we are keeping snorkel gear, bikes, winter clothes, Christmas decorations and all of Ryan's military gear. I'm not really sure how we had all this in our little apartment in Fayetteville.
That's our home. The last big task is to plant our little garden/flower bed. I have big dreams. A coconut tree, pepper plant. Maybe some mangoes or fresh herbs. Oh wouldn't it be great to have fresh banana's on your cereal... decisions... decisions...
Plain and simple, I just don't know where to start. Any suggestions for turning my brown thumb green are greatly appreciated.
Hope you enjoyed your tour. Feel free to visit anytime. Our neighborhood is full of kids and a great place to take a walk and enjoy the outdoors.
See you soon our rock in the middle of the pacific...
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